Archive for November, 2010

Natural Mapping, Search and Affordance

Make things visible: bridge the gulfs of execution and evaluation. Use technology to make visible what would otherwise be invisible, thus improving feedback and the ability to keep control. –Donald A. Norman, The Design of Everyday Things Norman states: Mapping is a technical term meaning the relationship between two things, in this case between the […]


“Downtime.” What an ugly word. Wiktionary defines it as The amount of time lost due to forces beyond one’s control, as with a computer crash. Just the thought makes one down, makes one depressed. Most “niche” (best-of-breed) Emergency Department Information Systems (EDISs) are justly proud that they don’t go down. That is, unless there is […]


The Pennsylvania College of Emergency Physicians and the national American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) held an international symposium on ED computer systems, November 12-15 2010 in Miami. This was the fifteenth year for the conference. The focus was on how to effectively and efficiently use computer technology for ED process improvement. There were attendees […]