
Keith Conover, M.D., FACEP

Keith Conover, M.D., FACEP, FASRC

This website/blog is maintained by Keith Conover, M.D., FACEP, FASRC, to provide education about computers in emergency medicine. The target audience includes emergency physicians and nurses, other professionals who work in the Emergency Department, Information Technology professionals, administrators, and in particular, the developers of software that gets used in the Emergency Department.

Dr. Conover has long had an interest in the use of computer systems in emergency medicine. He started programming in medical school in machine code, only later moving up to A86 assembler. Over the years, he’s moved up the ladder through lower- and then higher-level programming languages; now he focuses mostly on high-level design and usability.

He has been practicing emergency medicine in a Level I Trauma/Burn center regional referral hospital since the 1980s, and partly to work with different EDIS systems, has worked part-time at a variety of other hospitals. He is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine of the University of Pittsburgh. In 1995, Dr. Alan Forstater of Thomas Jefferson University and Dr. Conover founded the successful series of International Symposiums on Emergency Department Information Systems.  He has served on the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania College of Emergency Physicians of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP), as well as the ACEP national Council, In 2001, Dr. Conover was awarded the first annual Achievement in Emergency Medical Informatics Award by the Informatics Section of ACEP.

His other interests include urban redevelopment, disaster response and mountain/cave rescue. He maintains (or more, ignores and neglects) an ancient personal website as well as working on a medically-oriented wilderness search and rescue textbook, Appalachian Search and Rescue; current drafts are available at http://www.conovers.org/ftp/AppSAR-Drafts.

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