
This entry is part 5 of 12 in the series Medical Computing

In past articles, we discussed human-illiterate computers, and we discussed usability, memorability, learnability and Tognazzini’s Paradox: how  changing a single word can make big differences in usability. We also discussed design integrity, simplicity, abstraction, and discount usability testing. Now, we’ll talk about personas. It seems to me that personas are a bit like Critical Incident […]


Discount Usability Testing

This entry is part 4 of 12 in the series Medical Computing

In the first of this series, I tried to persuade you that your computer was human-illiterate, and we defined and discussed usability, memorability, and learnability. In the second, we discussed Tognazzini’s Paradox: how the hardest part of designing an effective program is often what seems the most trivial—sometimes simply a matter of changing a single […]


Design Integrity, Simplicity and Abstraction

This entry is part 3 of 12 in the series Medical Computing

In the first of this series, I tried to persuade you that your computer was human-illiterate, and we defined and discussed usability, memorability, and learnability. In the second, we discussed Tognazzini’s Paradox: how the hardest part of designing an effective program is often what seems the most trivial – sometimes simply a matter of changing […]


Usability, Learnability, Memorability

This entry is part 1 of 12 in the series Medical Computing

(A version of this series was first published in the newsletter of the Informatics Section of the American College of Emergency Physicians) Those of you who know me (or maybe have just heard about me) know that I am a zealot about user interface design. With good reason! Those who think they are computer-illiterate are […]
